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Changing the World, One Plate at a Time.

Young people are our future.

Youth activists like Greta Thunberg have captured the worlds attention through their call to action - to do better before it's too late. But, what are we doing to empower the next generation of change makers in our own communities?

Create CIC's #IWILL Program, created by our Youth Lead Lois Jones and Artist Rosi Jolly, and funded by Cornwall Community Foundation, aspires to provide young people with the tools to champion causes that they are passionate about. The program combined facilitated discussion with pottery lessons, where participants were challenged to address issues that they wanted to change in the world, culminating in a Protest Pottery Exhibition.

As a group, they chose to focus on Gender Equality and Marine Animal Rights, issues that had affected them personally. Every part of the process was youth led; from young people co-teaching the second cohort to playing a vital role in constructing a short documentary on the project.

Thanks to an incredibly generous donation from an anonymous donor we've been able to continue running free weekly craft workshops with this group of home schooled young people. Giving them access to equipment, skills and opportunities they otherwise wouldn't be able to experience.

You can also support young people to keep on creating by donating to us here. Our free sessions are only possible through the very generous donations that we receive.

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